
For Parents

Learn Fast - Play Forever

You’ve probably read how music education benefits all aspects of children’s learning, from language to problem-solving and from fine-motor skills to lesson-retention.

How the Rhodes Piano Method Works

We teach Piano Fast! The Rhodes Piano Method is an early and accelerated ramp to piano education. Our unique and comprehensive approach engages our students in class, and encourages them to practice and grow their learning.

We have found that remote learning using online video technologies works great for students who cannot currently attend school. Let your schools know that there is an online option for our classes.

How we’re different?

We combine improvisation and composition, which allows children to learn musical concepts naturally and intuitively. Students of all ages learn to play chords and songs, read music, compose, and even begin to develop their own musical styles.

Our teachers are all local music professionals who are certified in the Rhodes Piano Method. They teach within a positive group setting, following our keyboard program. We are proud to partner with public schools, charter schools, Montessori schools, private schools, and even pre-schools and after-school programs.

How to get the Rhodes Piano Method in your Child’s School

Basically, the best way to help your school implement The Rhodes Piano Method is to get in touch with the leaders of your school and your school’s music department. You can get in touch with us directly, as well.

And now you can let them know that all our classes are available online.

“Preschoolers are usually ready for more formal training on one instrument, but look for classes that incorporate games and play to keep your kid interested and excited about what he’s learning.”

- from ArtsEdge by the Kennedy Center

Learn how you can bring The Rhodes Piano Method to your school!